Albinos:Color & Pattern Mutations of Snakes/others

"Albinos: Color and pattern Mutations of Snakes and Other Reptiles," is relatively new book, with very new and cutting edge content. It profiles many of the common and not-so-common color morphs and mutations that you are likely to come across in the reptile trade. Not only does it provide the reader with some outstanding pictures of really amazing animals, but it also discusses the basic genetics behind these traits (if they are genetic at all). The book covers color and pattern morphs of snakes, lizards, chelonians, and amphibians. Also included are excellent definitions of some common terms used to describe a reptile's genetics (amelanistc, hypo, snow, etc.) The main emphasis is on snakes, but many of the lizard mutations included are one of a kind and worth a look.

The reader will also find a very helpful section on care and breeding of a few common species outlines in the book. Of the most in depth were the discussions on colubrid snakes, bearded dragons, and leopard geckos. If you are interested in breeding these or any species for color or other genetic traits, then this book is a must have. The section on genetics is thorough and easy to follow. If you ever wondered the difference between a possible heterozygous and a proven homozygous for the amelanistic phenotype, then you will find this book especially useful.

Written by German Herpeteculturist Stefen Broghammer, the book gives the reader insight into not only American breeding efforts, but also those taking place in Europe. Hard back edition with nearly 100 pages for under $30, this is a must have for any reptile enthusiast. Get yours today!