Venus Flytrap Plant Care Information

Venus Flytrap Plant Care Information

By Jonathan Torres

Common Name: Venus Flytrap

Scientific Name: Dionaea muscipula

Distribution: USA in North Carolina & South Carolina

Size: 4" - 6"

Natural habitat

The Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula), is a carnivorous plant native to subtropical wetlands on the East Coast of the USA in North Carolina and South Carolina.


Like other plants, Venus flytraps take in CO2 from the air. However, they live in nutrient-poor soils and have evolved to get nutrients from insects. The traps will capture any prey that fits inside. Carnivorous plants live all over the world in different types of soil but the venus flytrap is found in boggy areas in North Carolina and South Carolina

Captive environment

Use full spectrum lighting 10-12 hours per day indoors or 4 hours of direct sunlight a day outdoors. Indoor lights need to be replaced every year or two.


This species requires moderate to high levels of humidity.

Water requirements

Venus flytraps and all other carnivorous plants should only be watered with distilled, deionized, or reverse osmosis water. This plant should always have wet substrate. Placing a pot with holes in a saucer is generally the best way to insure they don’t dry out. They can also be grown in a sufficiently large pot without holes that does not dry out during the day. Water the substrate or fill the saucer--do not pour water on the plant.


This carnivorous plant does best with a 3-4 month dormancy period from November through February. Water the plant thoroughly, let it drain completely, place in a Ziploc type bag, and place in the produce drawer of your refrigerator


Venus flytraps can be grown in sphagnum moss or a 1:1 mix of peat and sand.


The plant can be propagated by seed or leaf (spring to early summer). Sometimes a mature plant will create an offset that can be removed and planted separately (late winter to early summer).