Your search for zoo med returned 13 results.
$109.99 each
Beautiful design, and ideal for small to medium sized tortoises like Russians, Hermanns, Pancakes and others. Also ideal to start your sulcatas and other larger tortoises in before you move them into your yard!
$119.99 each
The Zoo Med Turtle Tub is the ideal "in-between" size that is good for most aquatic turtles, and is easy to ship. The bulkhead drains that we sell for the waterland tubs work for this tub as well!
$249.99 each
PVC plastic-coated aluminum helps prevent injuries associated with nose rubbing, skittishness and stress, as well as foot injuries in chameleons and other climbing reptiles.
$19.99 each
Dig into the fascinating world beneath our feet with Zoo Med’s Roly-poly Kit! The clear, vented container gives you a window into the lives of your isopods, and the included Soil, leaf litter, and cork bark let your little decomposers feel right at home
$79.99 each
Beautiful wood design, and ideal for an indoor or outdoor enclosure!
$299.99 each
Ideal complete setup including everything you need to get a beautiful, natural turtle environment!
$499.99 each
Zoo Med’s Tortoise Yard is an excellent tool to offer enriching outdoor time for many species of pet reptiles. Grazing on fresh grasses and weeds is very beneficial for herbivores and omnivores.
$429.99 each
Zoo Med’s Outdoor Tortoise house is the perfect solution to provide shelter from wind, rain, and chilly weather for outdoor tortoises. Paired with appropriate heating elements, this house provides a cozy retreat!
$179.99 each
*IN STORE PICK UP ONLY* Ideal aquatic turtle starter kit that includes all lighting, food, turtle dock, filter, book, thermometer and tons more!
$229.99 each
*IN STORE PICK UP ONLY* Ideal kit for aquatic turtles including terrarium, water conditioner, book, turtle dock, lighting, heat and more!
$199.99 each
*IN STORE PICK UP ONLY* Ideal Bearded Dragon starter kit with everything you need including terrarium, lighting, heat, bedding, vitamins, book & tons more!
$119.99 each
Ideal Leopard Gecko Package includes 10 gallon terrarium, heat lamp, day and night heat bulbs, vitamins, bedding, thermometer, bowl and more!
$199.99 each
*IN STORE PICK UP ONLY* Ideal Tortoise setup that includes a 40 gallon terrarium, lamps, bulbs, bedding, food, vitamins and tons more!
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- Other Reptile Cages and Habitats (x)
- Complete Cage Packages [6]
- Tortoises and Turtles [2]
- Waterland Tubs [2]
- Aquatic Turtle Aquarium and Pond Accessories [2]